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2 Oct

So sorry it’s been forever since I’ve last blogged… we just got internet in our apartment!!! Yayyy!!! It was an exciting day, when that man walked in with a modem… made my heart smile :P No, seriously it took way too long, don’t blame me, blame Verizon. POO on you Verizon!

Tyler has moved in, since my last post. Having him here has made everything so much more enjoyable! Even though it’d been years since we’d last spent over a day together, it was like we hadn’t missed any time at all. What a relief! Lately, we’ve been doing a lot of job hunting and meeting new people. For exxxxxxample…. I met Mikey from The REAL L Word!!!!! BEST MOMENT OF MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!!! Also, that was our first time to go to a gay club together and we had a blast. Our other friends, Troy, Jenn, Liana, Ashlee and a couple other people whose names I have forgotten came too. It was the best night out since I’ve been here!

Oh… I got a kitten :) Her name is Kanoa and she is just adorableeeee


We made brunch and went to the beach today with Ashlee and two of her friends. Brooklyn is starting to feel much more like home, now that a group of friends is coming together and I have a friend who, really, is more like family living with me.

Lovin’ life :D Buuut…. well, can someone find me a girl? Thaaaaanks lol